Thursday, March 24, 2016

I saw this last night and it really struck a chord with me. Today is just a quick little musing on this statement.

So many times we human beings lament our circumstances. We sit around bitching and complaining with our friends about our relationships--our husband is getting on our nerves, he doesn't appreciate us, he has become mean and cruel--we complain about our children--how disrespectful they are, how "entitled" they can be--we complain with our coworkers about our jobs; we even complain inside our own heads about how much we hate______(fill in the blank). I would venture to say that often we spend a sizable portion of our day just moaning and groaning about what is wrong with our lives.

However, when offered the chance to change one of the aspects we've been so frustrated over, we freeze. Oh no, we couldn't do x, y, or z! What would the neighbors think? What if it didn't work? What if things were actually worse? What if the world just stopped turning on its axis?! Sometimes we need to take a deep breath and realize that "Hey, this is just what I need to jump start that change and make my life a little bit more enjoyable. So what if it doesn't work out exactly like I imagine--WHAT IF IT'S EVEN MORE AMAZING?!"

At one time or another, every experience you have had came on the heels on some other experience's ending. Even though endings in and of themselves--ending of a relationship; kids going off to college; leaving a job; moving away from your home of so long--can be scary, and indeed there may be a tinge of sadness laced in there as well, they are also the BEGINNING of something new and exciting! Without endings there would be no beginnings and life and the world would never move forward. It would be stagnant and boring and stifling.

So, that's today's thought of the day. Embrace the endings in your life, and feel the excitement of new experiences and adventures that the Universe has in store for you.

And have a blessed day!!

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